How to be triumphant in battle

Did you hear about the amazing account of King Jehoshaphat, found in 2 Chronicles 20 ? King Jehoshaphat had been faihful to the Lord and had served Him for many years, yet the armies of 3 nations joined together against him, into what seemed to be an overwhelming force. There seemed to be no way for him and his people to win. So he build a platform, stood on it and after he assembled all his people together, he lifted his hands to heaven and began to pray : « O, LORD God of our fathers, …..We have no might against this great company that cometh against us; neither know we what to do: but our eyes are upon Thee. »

God answered him through the voice of a prophet who said : « The battle is not yours, but God’s. Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the LORD.  In the morning, you will go out and find that it has already been won. »

So they arose early next morning and went out to meet these 3 armies. They didn’t just say that they believed God, they proved it by acting on their faith and putting the singers up front singing, “Praise the LORD; for His mercy endureth for ever”.

Now, this is an amazing thing. When going to battle against three nations, it would be common sense to put the strongest soldiers on the front lines. But they put their singers and musicians up there! They didn’t have any weapons of war; they were believing the word God had given. They were not expecting to fight—they were believing God for a supernatural deliverance.

And in fact, Jehoshaphat and his men never had to fight. When they looked out over the battlefield, not one man was left alive. The enemy armies had slaughtered each other ! 

When we spend time with God and praise Him, He fights our battles.                                   


God loves to hear the voices of His children. It is the sweetest of music to His ear. If there is anything He delights to hear more than the voice of prayer and petition, it is the voice of praise. Prayer adds its sweet perfume to the believer’s life. If there is anything which makes the believer’s life even more fragrant, it is praise. It is not a question of prayer OR praise; we must keep the two together. We are to pray without ceasing, but much time also should be given to praise.


 Praise releases God’s power and strength to still the enemy. Satan loses his power when God’s people begin to praise.


We would worry less if we praised more. Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and fear.
God takes great delight in the praises of His children.

The enemy of your soul so hates the genuine praise of God that his fiery darts of discouragement are not effective against us when we respond in praise.


Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!--Psalm 150:6. Nobody has any reason not to praise Him as long as they are alive !


Praising God Makes You Triumphant in Battle.


The enemy of your soul is a liar. He wants to steal our joy and replace it with hopelessness. When we're up against a struggle and we think we can't keep going, we can change that by praising God. Our chains will fall from us.

Praising God should not happen only when the weather is sunny and the waters untroubled. It should happen in spite of – and even because of – deep and troubled circumstances. 

We are all in danger of neglecting prayer, but we are perhaps all in even greater danger of neglecting praise. If there is anything that is a better gauge of the spiritual life than the prayer life, it is the praise life. Satan fears prayer, but what he fears more than prayer is praise.


When you begin to praise, the disquiet of your heart, the restlessness and fear of soul begin to disappear like fog before sunshine. Peace is blessedly multiplied within your soul, sorrow is turned to joy, grumbling and criticism is withered to the roots, Satan turns in terror and soon flees away.


Praising God changes you and changes the situation before you. Praising God opens the way to miracles and turns the tide of the battle.


Praise sets an ambush for the devil. No wonder he flees at the sound of praise! When Israel praised God, the walls of Jericho fell down. When Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God, the Lord shook open the doors of the jail of Philippi (Acts 16:23-24). When YOU begin to praise the Lord, new victories will dawn for YOU!

Let us make this year a year of praise. Begin by making this day a day of praise. Begin by filling your heart with God’s praises wherever you go. Begin by praising the Lord the first thing each morning. Begin by praising God every time you feel tempted to doubt, to fear, to worry, to criticize, to yield to any kind of temptation. Praise will fill you with faith and power.